Upul Wijethilaka


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Google’s Ambitious Health AI Plans Encounter Regulatory Hurdles

In a bid to transform your smartphone into a "doctor in your pocket," Google is leveraging its artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities across the healthcare...

AWS and Nvidia Join Forces in Epic Supercomputer Venture with 16,384 Superchips

In the ever-changing world of AI, companies compete fiercely to tailor accelerators for evolving workloads. Amid this race, Nvidia's CUDA platform emerges as the...

International Pact: US, UK, and Allies Unveil Groundbreaking Agreement for Secure AI Design

In a historic move, the United States, the United Kingdom, and over a dozen other nations revealed the world's first comprehensive international agreement aimed...

Top 10 AI Companies Revolutionizing the World

Introduction: The AI Revolution Unveiled Artificial Intelligence has evolved from a futuristic concept to a driving force that permeates every aspect of our lives. As...


From Zero to Hero: Your Roadmap to Becoming an AI Expert

Introduction: Embarking on Your AI Journey - From Zero...

The AI Divide: How Artificial Intelligence is Exacerbating Inequality

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, revolutionizing...

The Rise of AI Governance: Regulating Artificial Intelligence for the Public Good

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become an integral part...

The Ethics of AI in Warfare: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of Combat

Understanding Autonomous Weapons Systems - The Ethics of AI...